Pastors Mike & Mel

01.26.2024 Update:

Hello Northgate Family! Our pastors send their love and want to thank you for all the prayers and well wishes!

Pastor Mel is recovering nicely. Her pain has greatly diminished. Her bruising is slowly healing and the swelling in her face and arms has mostly subsided. Mel is able to drive now and has been slowly regaining her independence again.

Mike is in a rehab facility. He still has a week before he can put any weight on his leg. His recovery is slow but steady. He did have a little setback today. Mike injured his shoulder while holding himself up during a rehab session. Please pray that heals quick so he can get back to his rehab and get stong enough to go home. He's is good spirits but is definitely ready to go home.

Thank you again for the prayers!



Hello Northgate Family! Pastors Mike and Mel were in an accident yesterday around 5:30 p.m. They were on their way to the church when a vehicle passed another car, lost control, and hit them head-on. Their vehicle was thrown off the road and onto its side. They were both injured but even in tragedy, Jesus was with them! Mel is bruised, swollen, and sore but was allowed to go home last night. Mike has a broken femur that requires surgery. His surgery is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. today. Mike is in a lot of pain and will need some time to recover.

We know everyone has been praying for them and the family and we are grateful for that! To help aid them in a quick recovery, we are asking that everyone refrain from texting and calling them so they can have the time they need to recover.

Several people have asked about providing food. We are grateful for the willingness to help and the love being poured out, but the family is taking care of making sure they are well-fed and cared for. A few have asked about providing food gift cards, that is a great idea and appreciated.

Mike and Mel love our Northgate Family and are forever grateful for the love and support being poured out. We understand you love them and want to hear from them ASAP. Please allow them some time to process, rest, and heal. If you have questions or just need an update, feel free to contact Ryan, Carrie, or Vicki. We would be glad to speak with you.

Address for cards: PO Box 83, Dresden, OH 43821

Vicki - 740.607.8167

Carrie - 740.607.4899

Ryan - 740.607.4899


